My Year in Books: 2017 by the Numbers

To those who have read this blog before, thank you for joining me for my first year at The Hungry Little Bookworm! And to those who haven't, welcome! May 2018 treat us all well... 

August Wrap Up

A round-up of this month's reading and writing.

The Fellowship of The Ring from a Movie-Lover’s Perspective

Yes. Here it comes. Shut that Balrog down, Gandalf. YOU. SHALL. NOT-- what?

7 Favourite Sci Fi & Fantasy Titles

Last week was Sci Fi & Fantasy week at Goodreads. As a lifelong SFF fan, I was inspired to celebrate some of the best Science Fiction and Fantasy books and series I've read over the years. Here are some all-time-favourites:

July Wrap Up

A round-up of this month’s reading and writing.

Review: Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child is a two-part play currently running in London's West End. Though I have not (yet) had the pleasure of seeing the show, I recently read the script written by Jack Thorne based on a story he created with J.K. Rowling and John Tiffany.