My Year in Books: 2017 by the Numbers

To those who have read this blog before, thank you for joining me for my first year at The Hungry Little Bookworm! And to those who haven't, welcome! May 2018 treat us all well... 

The Fellowship of The Ring from a Movie-Lover’s Perspective

Yes. Here it comes. Shut that Balrog down, Gandalf. YOU. SHALL. NOT-- what?

Mini Review: The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller

"In the darkness, two shadows, reaching through the hopeless, heavy dusk. Their hands meet, and light spills in a flood, like a hundred golden urns pouring out the sun."

July Wrap Up

A round-up of this month’s reading and writing.

Futures in Publishing: The Changing Landscape of Contemporary Fiction

Despite internal shifts and challenges, publishing is the biggest creative industry in the UK - bigger than music, television, or film.

Review: Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe

The novel by Benjamin Alire Sáenz follows the adolescence of Aristotle Mendoza and Dante Quintana, who meet as 15-year-olds in El Paso, Texas and become practically inseparable. When faced with puberty, family troubles, danger, and grief, can their peculiar friendship endure?

The Business: Futures in Publishing 2017

Introducing a new series based on discussions at The Business: Futures in Publishing. Topics include: The Changing Landscape of Contemporary Fiction, Is YA Making Us Dumber?, Poaching Authors, Is Publishing Literary Fiction a Viable Business?, and Top Tips for Entering the Publishing Industry.

ARC Review: All the Good Things by Clare Fisher

Beth was a young woman fresh out of the foster system and determined to start a new life for herself. She had a new job, a new best friend, a new lover, and happily but unexpectedly, a new child. But that was all before the Bad Thing. The thing that landed her in prison and convinced her she's a '100% bad person'. The thing she keeps trying to run from.